With so many “spots” to touch your woman and different types of female orgasms, it’s often asked “What is the best female orgasm?” You could stimulater her clitoris, or her g-spot, or perhaps her a-spot. All women care capable of full body ejaculatory squirting orgasms as well. Don’t let all this overwhelm you. Most women don’t orgasm regularly during intercourse to having any type of orgasm puts her ahead of what other women are experiencing. Yet learning about the different types of female orgasms and how to achieve them can greatly increase her pleasure during sex. Checkout the video below to hear about the different types of female orgasms and to get the answer to the best orgasm a woman can have.
Do Squirting Orgasms Have To Be Messy?
When people first hear about squirting orgasms inevitably there are some who’s immediate response is “Oh, but doesn’t that make a mess?”. Just because we live indoors with furniture and other domesticated niceness doesn’t mean that we should give up one of the most pleasurable orgasmic experiences women can ever have. There are plenty of ways that you can easily keep things nice and dry and have as much explosive fun as your hearts desire. Besides squirting in alternative places such as in the shower and bathtub there’s ways to keep the sheets clean and dry too. In the video below Jason Julius talks about using the Liberator Fascinator Throw blanket to easily have a no mess experience. Check out the video below and let me know what you think!
How To Find A Woman’s G Spot Fast
Jason Julius from OrgasmArts.com gives his advice on how to find the female G Spot like a pro! If you don’t already know the G Spot when stimulated properly can lead to one of the most explosive orgasms that your woman will ever experience. And yes, it can even lead the the holy grail of female orgasms, the squirting orgasm! Check it out below and let us know what you think.
How To Make Any Woman Ejaculate | 3 Rules To Follow
A must watch. Three rules to follow if you want any hope of getting your wife, girlfriend or even your one night stand to have a squirting orgasm. Of course it’s recommend that you only attempt to give a squirting orgasm to a woman that you’re in a serious relationship with. The reason is a squirting orgasm is often times a life altering experience (especially if the woman has never had one before) and she can become quite attached to the giver. So please as always please use any of the female orgasm giving techniques you’ll learn responsibility. Enjoy the video.
Mastering Vaginal Weightlifting

Vaginal weightlifting has a plethora of benefits, from personal and spiritual to physical and orgasmic, so it’s no wonder why this is a trend that many women are looking to jump in to. Through vaginal weightlifting, a woman can strengthen her pelvic floor, vaginal muscles, and entire pelvic region through light vaginal lifting resistance, and this goes along with all of the nerve endings and blood vessels within the region. Not only will she be able to have better access to G-spot orgasms, but she can achieve better sexual sensitivity as well, allowing her to completely transform what she knows about her sexual abilities using only one type of exercise! [Read more…] about Mastering Vaginal Weightlifting
Prostate Orgasm
A prostate orgasm is an intense, full-bodied, non-ejaculatory orgasm – usually due to stimulation to the prostate (the male g-spot) – and is a very different experience than a traditional orgasm. When you orgasm by stimulating the prostate, orgasm and ejaculation can be two separate things.
This fact might be revelatory to you – but we assure you, it is possible for all men. Several nice side benefits of prostate orgasm include being able to have multiple or continuous orgasms, heightened sexual awareness, greater overall health, as well as being able to be more in synch with and connected to your partner. [Read more…] about Prostate Orgasm
Female Ejaculation: It is Possible!
Female Ejaculation? You mean women can ejaculate like men? Yes, we women can ejaculate – as many soaked towels in my laundry basket can attest to!
Many of us women are simultaneously curious and timid about the subject. Did you know that many women ejaculate already without actually knowing they are doing it?
It can be an intimidating concept to imagine gushing crazy amounts of fluid when you orgasm, but it can open you up to a new level of sexuality and can offer you the wildest, deepest, wettest orgasms ever! [Read more…] about Female Ejaculation: It is Possible!
Question: Where is the g spot?
Where is the g spot? This is probably our #1 question, and while it seems like a simple question, it can be more complex to answer where is the g spot than you’d think!
Mainly, this is because the g-spot is really an “area” more than a specific spot. That means it will be different sizes, shapes, and in a different place with every woman (even changing with the same woman from time to time, and sometimes even in the same sex session!) [Read more…] about Question: Where is the g spot?
G spot Location Tips
If you are like most people, you are confounded by that ever-elusive g spot location and maybe sometimes you wonder if it actually exists at all. It does.
Finding it, getting comfortable with it, and experiencing all the g spot has to offer will help you be a sexually explosive woman. It is also a key to exceptional sex and exceptional intimate connection with your partner.
Many of us ignore or have disowned our sexual nature, starting with our sexual parts. Sexual energy is creative flow. If your creative flow is stopped, you are stopped; you are not able to be fully the creative, ravishing, radiant woman that is your birthright to be. [Read more…] about G spot Location Tips
Male G Spot 101

Yes, you’ve guessed it – men have a g spot too! The male g spot (also known as your prostate – the two terms can be used interchangeably) is an erogenous spot with the power to drive men wild.
Similar to a woman’s g-spot, the important nerves for erection, orgasm and ejaculation converge at the male g spot and in the prostate and perineum area.
This area can also provide intense and heightened pleasure, and is also the place where emotional and sexual issues are stored.
Prostate stimulation can be both pleasurable and healing for a man, and can help release emotional as well as physical stress.
For many men, the stronger stimulation to the male g-spot, the stronger and more profound orgasms they experience. [Read more…] about Male G Spot 101